1. Your Review was very beneficial
2. The measure looks innovative.
* be 동사 자리에 언제든지 대체될 수 있는 동사
Seem, Look, Appear + 형용사 : 형용사 상태로 보인다.
** '조치를 취하다' 동의어
= take a step
= take an action
= take a measure
3. The competition is still strong.
* 좀 더 고급스러운 표현: Remain + 형용사
4. Mr is reliable.
* 믿을만한: Dependable, Trustful, Reliable
5. The service became available.
6. The product seemed (to be) defective.
* to be 생략 가능
** defective 동의어 : faulty, malfunctioning
7. We will discuss the problem.
* discuss, mention, consider 뒤에 절대 about 붙이지 않는다.
8. The company announce the new plans.
9. You should follow the procedure.
* Follow 대신 쓸 수 있는 자동사 4가지 고급어휘: ~을 준수하다.
① comply with +N
② abide by +N
③ adhere to +N
④ comform to/with +N
10. Please give your contact information to Mr Lee.
= Please give Mr Lee your contact information.
* 수여동사 (give, send, offer, grant, award)
→ 수여동사 + somebody + N
→ 수여동사 + N + for/to + somebody
11. The manager granted the vacation for all employees
12. Mr B awarded the contract for Sun company.
13. The manager received nomiations for employee of the month.
14. We will ensure confidentialities for all our customer.
15. You should fulfill specific requirements for this position.
* fulfill + duty, obligation, responsibility : 의무/책임을 다하다
16. Mr E kept her work place tidy.
* Kept + 목적어 + 형용사 : 목적어를 형용사 상태로 유지하다.
* Leave + 목적어 + 형용사 : 목적어를 형용사 상태로 방치하다.
* Find(Consider) + 목적어 + 형용사 : 목적어를 형용사 상태로 생각하다.
* Make + 목적어 + 형용사 : 목적어를 형용사 상태로 만들다.
17. We found your article interesting.
* Find + 목적어 + 형용사 문장.
ex. I found your idea great : 나는 너의 아이디어가 좋다고 생각해.
18. Please make your report brief.
19. The company kept the marketing strategy innovative.
20. Mr T considered the plant artificial.
* Consider = Deem
21. Executives found the design attractive.
* Attractive = Appealing, Charming, Fasinative.
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